Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We made it to Denver!

We drove all the way from Kansas City to Denver yesterday. I was asleep by the time we got here. We did stop at a gas station in Limon, Colorado and I took my picture with a giant bear that said welcome to Colorado. But my mom forgot to bring the wire that lets me get the pictures off of the camera and onto the computer, so we have to go buy a new one before I can show you pictures from this trip.

 I went swimming with Kiara and Maggie this morning and now we're going to a butterfly place that lets you touch spiders and seastars. And then we're going to tour a candy factory later today.
Maggie held a tarantula, but I was too afraid


  1. Very nice Joey! Cant wait to see the pics!

  2. What did the seastar feel like, and what kind of candy did the factory make? Did you get to taste any?

  3. It felt very soft and a little tiny bit bumpy. The factory made lollipops, taffy, chocolate, candy canes and hard candy. They gave us free candy canes on our tour and my dad bought my sisters and me some candy canes, lollipops, taffy, and gum. It was really cool seeing how candy is made. Also the crabs look very creepy and I saw a fish that looked like Nemo.

  4. Sounds like a great trip so far, Joey. How's the weather out there? It's VERY hot here in Missouri, so if it's cool out there then you picked the perfect time to go on vacation. Hope you get that wire soon so we can see some pics!

  5. It's not very hot here at all. Today we're going to Rocky Mountain National Park. I was there two summers ago and my dad and I had a snowball fight. We're going to Best Buy first to get the camera wire.

  6. Sounds like you are having a great trip so far. Thanks for posting for us to read!
