Sunday, August 1, 2010

Leaving on Tuesday!

Hi, my name is Joey Boley. My dad is helping me with this blog. I'm leaving on Tuesday for a two week trip. We're going to visit Rocky Mountain National Park, float on the Yampa River in Steamboat Springs, see cool fossils at Dinosaur National Monument in Utah, swim in the Great Salt Lake, hike to the top of the Ruby Mountains in Nevada, visit Great Basin National Park in Nevada, see all the awesome rock formations at Arches National Park in Utah, and finish our trip by visiting Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction. We're also going to visit lots of old wagon road sites. I can't wait to slide on the glaciers in the mountains, float in the Salt Lake (and try not to get salt in my eyes this time), and post lots of pictures for you to see the places I'm going to visit before I start 2nd grade. Please follow my blog and write to me often.


  1. Hi Joey, my name is Mandy. I can't wait to read your blog and see the pictures you take. I am sure you are going to have a great time!

  2. Can't wait to read about your experiences and see pics. Have lots of fun!!! And make your dad spend lots of money on you all!!! :)

  3. Hi Joey! I hope you have a great trip. I've been out there many times and loved it more each time I went. Dinosaur National Monument is so cool. I would love to go on a dig some day (maybe we can go together!) Arches National Park is so beautiful. It's amazing how the wind can create such beautiful things. Be sure to go downtown in Grand Junction. There's a really great ice cream shop there.
    Be sure to post lots of pictures!
    Love to all! Aunt Jo

  4. I went to Dinosaur two summers ago with my dad. We found an old cabin and lots of pictures drawn on rocks by Indians a long time ago. And the dinosaur museum was very cool too. My sisters and mom have never been there. We are going tomorrow.
