Friday, August 6, 2010

Dinosaurs and the Great Salt Lake

Yesterday we spent the day in the Rocky Mountains. Today we're going to Dinosaur National Monument and then swimming in the Great Salt Lake. I have been to these places before. They are very cool. My sisters have never been to these places before, but I think they're going to have fun. We had a really cool hotel also. My dad took lots of pictures of it for me. 
my hotel room had a nice kitchen

and a huge shower

and a nice big living room where I could relax with my mom

and a really cool bath tub with water jets

Maggie and I climbed a cliff at Rocky Mountain National Park

I hiked around Bear Lake with my sisters

and I hiked down to a waterfall my Maggie and my dad

and we drove so high that we were above the clouds!


  1. Wow Joey...looks like you are having a great time! Tell your dad to take lots of pictures at the Dinosaur National Monument. I can't wait to hear how it went.

  2. Oh my...I love the pictures, Joey. That hotel looks so fun. The tub is so big! I would like to live there too! Have fun today!

  3. Please tell me that your mommy didn't have to cook in that beautiful kitchen on her vacation! Your whole family could take a shower in that huge shower. Very cool. I'm loving the pictures you're posting and your doing a super job on your blog. Have you tried any different or strange food yet? Have a wonderful to the whole family...Aunt Jo

  4. Awesome pictures, Joey. Keep them coming, looking forward to pics of the Dinosaur National Monument, and that hotel looks awesome!

  5. Stories are much cooler with pictures! I feel like I am there with you! Where are we going next Joey???
